In congeniality of place attachment, there are understanding to human settlements pattern of kampun condition that explaining existence of approach naturally as a study of feeling of human being to his residence. In this case happened by the emotional tying among residence and human being happened by effect of existence of ecology condition, area develop , symbolic environment, and the social.
Study about place attachment according to Hummon ( 1990), explaining that feeling the localism socialize complexly determined by result of perception socialize to condition of its area, position of their public spirit among local community and environment of larger ones and also the objective quality of environment, develop environmental and also the social environment
Approach of Traditional cultural lanscape by Rapoport in Amiranti ( 2000) and development of house by Silas ( 1993) used to comprehend existing phenomenon. Method of qualitative-phenomenology used under consideration this because its ability to lay open an natural phenomenon at study context. Humane relation in aspect non physical context of human settlements in bearing with live process as according to qualitative-phenomenology method.
Community tradition a certain kampung in an environment physical setiing will create totally balance to subsistence and life pattern, concerning expectation level, preference, experience, and the satisfaction live. In the end will generate tying of emotion among human being of dweller with its residence according to each individual perception and cognition, and furthermore will grow identity as spirit symbol of the society.
Keyword: place attachment, traditional cultural lanscape, house development, human settlemets
In congeniality of place attachment, there are understanding to human settlements pattern of kampun condition that explaining existence of approach naturally as a study of feeling of human being to his residence. In this case happened by the emotional tying among residence and human being happened by effect of existence of ecology condition, area develop , symbolic environment, and the social.
Study about place attachment according to Hummon ( 1990), explaining that feeling the localism socialize complexly determined by result of perception socialize to condition of its area, position of their public spirit among local community and environment of larger ones and also the objective quality of environment, develop environmental and also the social environment
Approach of Traditional cultural lanscape by Rapoport in Amiranti ( 2000) and development of house by Silas ( 1993) used to comprehend existing phenomenon. Method of qualitative-phenomenology used under consideration this because its ability to lay open an natural phenomenon at study context. Humane relation in aspect non physical context of human settlements in bearing with live process as according to qualitative-phenomenology method.
Community tradition a certain kampung in an environment physical setiing will create totally balance to subsistence and life pattern, concerning expectation level, preference, experience, and the satisfaction live. In the end will generate tying of emotion among human being of dweller with its residence according to each individual perception and cognition, and furthermore will grow identity as spirit symbol of the society.
Keyword: place attachment, traditional cultural lanscape, house development, human settlemets
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